Entry and redirect links
Understanding Ipsos entry links and redirects
Ipsos entry links
Entry links standard parameters
• surveyId(same as subsampleId)
• supplierId
• ci: culture info (eg gen-us)
• routerId (set to 0 by default for API jobs)
• id: just the placeholder, the id itself is added by suppliers when redirecting to Ipsos surveys
• testCortex=2: this is used to check live links and skip any security set up for the job based on GeoIP; this parameter is added automatically for proofing links
Please ensure that the ID does not exceed a maximum length of 41 characters.
2. Additional params to be added when redirecting to Ipsos surveys
• For all API enabled surveys, SAPI=1 parameter should be appended for reporting purposes (in combination with subsample and supplier properties stored in Sample One)
• Additional parameters that are sending values to surveys, but not being passed back via redirects: any parameters / value can be appended to the entry link
• Additional parameters can be used to send values back to the supplier via redirects. On request, custom parameters can be added survey or supplier level. Currently there are a couple of predefined parameters that can be used: si, param1...param10
Supplier redirects
• Server postbacks: we recommend tracking survey completions via server postbacks. This type of tracking is more accurate and less exposed to fraud than traditional redirects or pixels. We offer both POST and GET types, configurable per supplier.
If the URL above is configured as server to server POST call, the url’s parameters will be sent in the body of the POST as “application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data, and for a GET server to server call they parameters will be as they are added to the link. The content will have all URL parameters and value, separated by "&": subsampleId=subsampleId&stat=status&l=slang&respondent_identifier=id&rs=SI
• Client redirects: At the end of a survey, Sample One can send the respondent back to your site. This is not a prerequisite to track the status of your users if you are using server postbacks but allows you to customize the message shown to a respondent user at the end of the survey experience
Example: http://www.supplier.com/completepage.asp?subsampleId=SUBSAMPLEID&stat=STATUS&l=SLANG&respondent_identifier=ID&rs=SI
All parameters are taking the value that is added respondent level in <<>> entry link parameter.
rs=<<Si>> will send back in an “rs“ parameter the value that was passed in “SI” entry link parameter
myCustomParameter will send back the value sent in the entry link in param5
Sample One predefined redirect links
• Complete: respondents who successfully complete a survey
• Screen- outs: respondents who do not meet requirements (also known as terminates/fail)
• Quota-fulls: respondents who qualify, but quota groups are already closed
• Long Term: users who exceed the router experience and eventually term, will be sent to the
special "long term" URL redirect – used for routing purposes. (The default router experience
is 15-minutes and 40 questions, but you can customize your settings under “edit profile”)
• Unengaged: respondents who qualify, but they do not pass quality checks
• Sniff-out: Respondent was sniffed out due to duplication rules, geography rules, or technical
• Platform sniff out: respondents who screened-out due to wrong device (substatus 48)
• Security redirect link (Security sniff out): : respondents who screened-out due to security (de-duplication) or category exclusions at the very beginning of a survey (substatus 47)
Updated 3 months ago