

POST /supplier/v1/stats/respondent-info/enqueue

Inserts a record in report queue. The generated Member Info Report will be offered for download or posted to for the Callback URL.

Field namedescription
supplierRequestQueueStatus; fileDownloadURLReport status and the url. The user needs to be authenticated in Cortex on supplier site and fill in the browser the url returned to be able to download the report.
fileValidityInMinutes; reportJobIdThe report's id and it's availability in minutes
creationDate; validUntilThe report's creation date and and it's availability in minutes


  "subsampleIds": [
  "startDate": "2019-03-02T07:23:04.520Z",
  "endDate": "2019-04-20T07:23:04.520Z",
  "linkType": "liveUser",
  "statuses": [],
  "subStatuses": []

Response Body

  "supplierRequestQueueStatus": "pendingProcess",
  "fileDownloadURL": "",
  "fileValidityInMinutes": 60,
  "reportJobId": 240288,
  "creationDate": null,
  "validUntil": null