Check respondent eligibility
isEligible endpoint is currently paused
Please note that currently this endpoint is disabled and does not return results. While this is being redesigned to answers in less than one second, you can implement eligibleByIP described here
In order to increase conversion, Ipsos API isEligible offers an easy way to check if a respondent would be considered eligible to start the Ipsos survey.
Other than profile, a range of quality and security are applied on survey start. With this API, for each respondent eligibility with a survey can be checked before redirecting the respondent to the survey. The response will be true/false (the respondent would be accepted intro the survey or not).
Authentication is done based on system level user and password.
surveyId // Sample One subsample identifier. mandatory
countryCode // country of the respondent (eg us). mandatory
locale // the locale of the respondent (eg en-us). mandatory
device // desktop/mobile/tablet. optional
ip // IP address of the respondent. optional
panelistId // persistent identifier across sessions and surveys. mandatory
fingerprintId // imperium RelevantId Id. optional
"isEligible": true,
"substatuses": [
Updated 4 months ago