Targeting variables

Library of Ipsos standard questions

Ipsos standard library question

For targeting purposes, Ipsos APIs are consuming a library of predefined questions and answers for each market and locale. To match the quota structure exposed by Ipsos API's these variables need to be mapped with other standard used, as part of the integration effort.

You can access the "Libraries" page to review the details of the methods designed to support the mapping effort.


Download question library

You can download the latest list of available Targeting Variables, updated 6th of February 2025 here We advise reviewing this page monthly to determine if a new version of the Targeting Variables file is available for mapping.

You can download the Social grade mapping correspondence here NOTE: The file is password protected. In order to access the document an NDA must be signed between Ipsos and your party. Please contact [email protected] for more details.

You can download the Education mapping correspondence here NOTE: The file is password protected. In order to access the document an NDA must be signed between Ipsos and your party. Please contact [email protected] for more details.

How regional questions are mapped

Below are listed the sources used to map the regional question in various markets.
You can also download all sources used for regional variables here.