Production sign-off scenarios

Are we ready for testing and result validation?

There are a couple of scenarios that we see mandatory to yield the expected results before starting the validation of the results on the Ipsos side. These are simple scenarios, making sure that the parameters listed below are taken into account and impacting computed feasibility.

Each scenario should result in a lower number of available completes for all scenarios when compared to the first one.


A comparison with a manual feasibility request must be done for all scenarios, top 5 covered countries, to understand the differences between manual and automatic capabilities.

For each country validation scenarios are listed below.

1 100%15 minutes120 hoursno quotas18-65 individuals
2 30%15 minutes120 hoursno quotas18-65 individuals
3 100%30 minutes120 hoursno quotas18-65 individuals
4 100%15 minutes16 hoursno quotas18-65 individuals
5100%15 minutes120 hoursno quotas18-34 individuals
6100%15 minutes120 hoursno quotas18-65 males
7100%15 minutes120 hoursno quotas18-65 individuals, region
8100%15 minutes120 hoursAGR18-65 individuals



Brazil scenarios JSON pack
Italy scenarios JSON pack
US scenarios JSON pack
Argentina scenarios JSON pack
Mexico scenarios JSON pack
France scenarios JSON pack
Germany scenarios JSON pack
Spain scenarios JSON pack
United Kingdom scenarios JSON pack
Japan scenarios JSON pack
Russia scenarios JSON pack
Australia scenarios JSON pack
Canada scenarios JSON pack
China scenarios JSON pack

more country packs to come...