Response format
Two options available: Short and Long type of answer
Tipe and tricks:
Preferably the answer to contain the currency specified in the feasibility request (“preferredCurrency”). If not possible, any other currency is supported as long as the info is specified in response.
If a maximum number of completes is requested, CPI value returned is associated with the maximum number of completes returned. In the example above 5.5 USD is for the 12000 completes available in the given project specs (country, target & quotas, filed durations, etc)
Short format. Total quota level
This type of response containing the total number of completes available on the given distribution
Property | Description | Type | Required |
Cost | Set of information describing the sample costs: CPI, currency in which the CPI is expressed, CPI values per completes intervals | Object | Yes |
Currency | 3 letter code for the currency in which the CPI is expressed. For example, USD for US Dollar, EUR for Euro. | Text / ISO4217 | Yes |
CPI | The cost per interview (CPI) based on the project specifications and for the number of completes returned as available. The exposed CPI should not include any additional fees. The value of the additional fees (where applicable) will be implemented in the background and the system will automatically return the final CPIs (including any additional fees, besides CPI). | Number | Yes |
cpiRanges | Section describing the CPI values for different completes intervals. If CPI value is flat (same value regardless of the target & quotas) then no need to add this section in the response. If you have different values per size of sample, this information need to be specified here | Array | No |
completesBetween | Interval start & end for the number of completes for which the CPI value applies. This interval can either be defined as a standard one which will apply for all requests or whether it can be dynamic, changing to each request. In more words: if for a feasibility request the maximum number of completes was requested, in the final blend each supplier will be assigned with a specific share of the blend as fractions from the maximum availability. So if 5342 completes are available, in the final blend only 500 might be assigned and the CPI corresponding to interval [401, 800] will be used (4.32 USD) | Number | No |
Completes | Completes on total quota. The number of completes the supplier can provide for specific field duration. “4h” represents completes available if the survey is fielded for 4 hours duration, “12h” represents 12 hours, and 1d & 2d represent 1 day and 2days. | Number | Yes |
ResponseCode | If the any question id in the request’s target or quotas is not mapped on the supplier site, the responseCode’s value should be “UnsupportedVariable”. If there is not errors in mapping the value, the value “Ok” can be sent over. | String: “Ok”, or “UnsupportedVariable” | No |
Short format example
If we ask for males and females with a 50% / 50% distribution and your capacity is, let's say, 10000 females and 6000 males, the number that should be returned as response in a short format is 12000 as this is the number that respects the required distribution of 50% / 50% on gender.
Long format. Quota level
A response containing the total number of completes available at quota level.
Same parameters as for the short answer are expected. The difference is that the number of completes is available quota level.
As an extra compared to the short version, in the long answer is expected: Target and QuotaTables arrays containing the responseCode question level and completes at quotaid level
"tableName":"Table:Gender: x ",
"tableName":"Table:Age: x ",
Updated almost 5 years ago