Facial coding
Emotion tracking technology
Facial coding studies use emotion tracking technology, adding additional complexity for sampling processes. In Ipsos studies using facial coding technology there are three additional points influencing the completion of the questionnaire:
- existence of a compatible webcam
- permission to use the webcam
- validation that the facial recognition exercise was successful; the validation is done by the company providing the technical solution and it's not done in real-time. Some respondents might be considered completed, counted in quotas and then removed from quotas since the validation of the facial coding exercise was not successful. Respondents that are not validated, still have a complete status, but with a different substatus(98) and not counted in quotas.
From an SupplyAPI point of view, facial coding has two implications:
- live-details method will return the property facialCoding as true; this is useful to take compute the sample outgo needed to achieve the completes, taking into account the specific requirements for the module
- get-basic, get-detalied, quotas methods remaining(exclusive and shared) property might return higher values after a validation batch was processed(since respondents considered completes are not considered valid completes anymore)
Updated almost 5 years ago